
"Signatorychain" is the subverter of the traditional "centralized cloud services", and the initiator of the next generation of "blockchain trusted cloud services (BTCS)" in the world. The mission of "Signatorychain" is to overcome the pains of traditional centralized clouds, such as AWS (Amazon cloud), azure (Microsoft cloud), Aliyun (Alicloud), etc., all of which can't guarantee the authenticity, security, IP, copyrights, confidentiality, integrity, and incentive of data and services from clouds and operating systems, in order to build the trusted, contactless, traceable, rights-safeguarding, incentive, and confidential “Decentralized Cloud Service (DCS)”, based on blockchain way of thinking, blockchain architecture, and blockchain tools. The final objectives of "Signatorychain" are to establish the digital mutual trust among cross-border, cross-institutions, and in internal control scenarios, and provide blockchain trust guarantees and blockchain incentive mechanisms for digital assets, big data, products, services, IP, and transactions.
"Signatorychain", based on the philosophy of blockchain, aims to establish blockchain-based trust guarantee services and incentive mechanisms, such as the cross-certification by blockchain, blockchain traceability, evidence proofs by blockchain, and blockchain signatures, etc. for people, institutions, devices, big data, electronic documents, electronic contracts, electronic records, pictures, videos, products, brands, digital rights, transactions, social networking, government affairs, and devices, to insure "Five Blockchain Guarantees": that is, Authenticity, Integrity, Rights-protection, Confidentiality, and Incentive for the decentralized access, decentralized data, and decentralized services of both clouds and operating systems. Thus, "Signatorychain" is intended to further build a "Blockchain Closed Loop of Judicial-proof, Judicial-traceability, and Insurance-claim" for everything, so that " Five Blockchain Guarantees for Digital Assets" can been obtained: the digital assets that can be kept authentic, rights-protected, confidential, with integrity and incentives.
"Signatorychain" platform is designed to ultimately achieve the following ten strategic objectives:

(1) Create trust infrastructure for the next generation of "blockchain trusted operating system", namely, the underlying blockchain services for operating systems (OS): OS authenticity services, OS integrity services, OS security services, OS rights-protection services, OS confidentiality services, OS blockchain signature services, and OS incentive mechanism;

(2) Create trust infrastructure for the next generation of "blockchain trusted cloud services", namely "cloud's underlying blockchain services: cloud authenticity services, cloud integrity services, cloud security services, cloud rights-protection services, cloud confidentiality services, cloud blockchain signature services, and cloud incentive mechanism;

(3) Provide blockchain trusted cloud services for asset and commodity exchanges: thoroughly eliminate the cancers of centralized e-commerce and asset trading platforms: counterfeit goods, swipe orders, infringement, tampering with data, difficult traceability, source code switching, unable to guarantee the authenticity of the sources, and the traceability website is phished;

(4) Provide blockchain trusted cloud services of the security insurance for cryptocurrency wallets and digital asset exchanges: solve the problems of key loss and theft of cryptocurrency wallets, and centralization of digital asset exchange;

(5) Provide digital office automation system based on blockchain trusted cloud (trusted OA): solve the problems that office data are easy to be tampered with, counterfeited signature without judicial effect, and low enterprise internal control efficiency, and overcome the problems of high costs, difficult organizing, easy forgery and usurpation while offline processing and signing documents;

(6) Provide blockchain trusted cloud services for digital copyrights and IP protection: solve the problems of infringement, counterfeiting, difficult to confirm rights, difficult to safeguard and trade copyrights and IP;

(7) Provide blockchain trusted cloud services for the security and insurance for bigdata: the bigdata with fidelity, integrity, rights-protection and confidentiality;

(8) Provide blockchain trusted cloud services for the security management for network, cloud, digital assets and real economy: for example, login based on blockchain digital signature, blockchain authority management, blockchain firewall, distributed antivirus, blockchain DMZ, etc;

(9) Provide cloud with decentralized cloud access, decentralized cloud data and decentralized cloud services based on the IPFS protocol: solve the problems of cloud centralization, shady deals, tampering, single point collapse, service bottleneck, and lack of incentive mechanism (for example, it is impossible to realize the IPFs scenario in which cloud users are also investors or harvesters, and the company's cloud resources can join as IPFs nodes, so as to obtain the return (for example, filcoin) to hedge the costs of using IPFs cloud and reduce the company's total of cost ownership of cloud services;

(10) Provide blockchain trusted cloud services for various real and digital economy and scenarios, such as blockchain cloud government services, blockchain cloud cross-border trade services, blockchain cloud medical services, blockchain cloud judicial services, blockchain cloud agricultural services, blockchain cloud education services, DeFi, NFTs, blockchain cloud public welfare services, etc.