Products and Services

Following are the detailed products and services offered by "Signatorychain":

1. Underlying blockchain trust servicesfor operating systems, including the following services: OS authenticity services, OS integrity services, OS security services, OS rights-protection services, OS confidentiality services, OS blockchain signature services, and OS incentive mechanism;

2. The underlying blockchain trust service for clouds, including the following services: cloud authenticity services, cloud integrity services, cloud security services, cloud rights-protection services, cloud confidentiality services, cloud blockchain signature services, and cloud incentive mechanism;

3. Blockchain-based decentralized trusted cloud infrastructure services for IPFS storage, digital signature and digital IP protections for cloud data and cloud services,

4. Blockchain-based cloud digital signatures, contracting and trust management : - Blockchain-based digital contracting and trust management - Blockchain-based transborder digital contracting and trust management - Blockchain-based digital signature on exchanges (for e-commerce and security exchanges) - Blockchain-based digital signature on products - Blockchain-based digital signature on digital copyrights - Blockchain-based digital signature on bigdata

5. Blockchain-based decentralized trust services for cryptocurrency wallets;

6. Blockchain-based decentralized trust services for cryptocurrency exchanges

7. Blockchain-based cloud security services - Blockchain-consensus-based CA( Certificate Authority) - Blockchain-based digital certificate - Signatory Permissioned blockchains - Blockchain consensus-based Identity management - Blockchain-based firewall and DMZ - Blockchain Decentralized Antivirus System - Blockchain-based access control management

8. Bockchain-based cloud office automation (OA)

9. Blockchain-based cloud trust services for digital copyrights and IP

10. Cryptocurrency insurance: insurance services for USDT, BTC and ETH

11. Blockchain-based cloud trust services for e-Health

12. Blockchain-based cloud trust services for e-Government

13. Blockchain-based cloud trust services for e-legal services

14. Blockchain-based cloud trust services for e-Commerce

15. Blockchain-based cloud trust services for assets exchanges (Cryptocurrencies, Stocks, Debts and derivatives);

16. Blockchain-based cloud trust services for DeFi

17. Blockchain-based cloud trust services for NFTs

18. IPFS cloud services with distributed cloud data access, distributed cloud data and distributed cloud services based on the IPFs protocol.